




In this technique, fertile soil is filled in One Kg. Polythene bags, small holes made in the bottom portion of polythene bag for aeration, single bud cuttings made from top one third portion of seed cane stalk, planted horizontally with bud position upward in top one fourth soil portion and covered with thin soil layer followed by applying water with a watering can. Alternatively, polythene bags are placed in a ploughed up field plot and irrigation water applied through surface irrigation. In this technique, the germination is almost 95% while in direct vegetative seed cane planting in the field, the germination hardly 40-50%. These pre germinated shoots in polybags are ready for transplanting in the field 30 days after planting by which time they attain 4-5 leaf stage.





                                         POLYTHENE BAG TECHNIQUE

          The poly cover is removed with a blade at the time of transplanting  and the plantlets along with  the earthball placed in a mini pit made in the furrow and filled with soil and irrigation water applied. With this technique, only 20 qtl. seed is sufficient to transplant one hectare area while in normal direct sett planting about 75 qtl. Seed is required. There is, therefore, significant saving of seed cane with this technique. This technique has particularly been found very useful for quick multiplication of seed of new promising varieties,  replanting of ratoons and filling of gaps. It is also useful for late planting of sugarcane after wheat harvesting in April-May.

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